
Michael Allison

Health & Performance Coach

Michael is an educational partner with Polyvagal Institute and Stephen W. Porges Ph.D, teaching a variety of courses and applications of Polyvagal Theory in a wide range of industries, and is currently leading a Polyvagal-informed Certificate for Health, Wellness & Performance Coaches accredited by The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaches.

His unique application of Polyvagal Theory to performance - The Play Zone - provides a paradigm shifting methodology to optimize control of our performance through skillful and conscious control of our physiology, and is the only performance program endorsed by Polyvagal Institute and Dr. Porges, and has certified more than 200 coaches internationally as Play Zone Professionals.

“I’ve worked directly with coaches, teams, athletes, psychologists, leaders and organizations in a wide variety of disciplines including MLB, NBA, ATP, WTA, FIFA, and NCAA, and have directly trained more than 200 international coaches in the sports, business, leadership, education and creative arts industries. I essentially help performers of all kinds control of their performance by re-gaining control of their reflexive bodily reactions in the pivotal points and to the ongoing, high pressure demands of competitive, high-stakes environments.”

2 salė Didžioji salė

„From Pressure to Performance: Aligning with our physiology to optimize our collective potential“ (anglų k.)

15:30 - 17:00

1.2 ir 1.3 salė Praktiniai užsiėmimai

„From Pressure to Performance: practical strategies, resources and routines“ (anglų k.)

1.2 salė